Wednesday, April 14, 2010

H2O Plus Products Review part 1

This is my first review! I'm so excited and I hope I don't fudge it up! Haha, ok jitters aside..

This is going to be a series of reviews for Sea Results Line Mender, Sea Results Eye Mender Plus, Deep Sleep Recovery Cream, and Face Oasis Cleansing Water since I purchased this value set for $53.50 (because I am a huge sucker for value sets/combo packs/etc.). I got a small sample (in a cute bottle!) of the cleansing water and I am going to talk about it a little bit as well.
*this is going to be broken up into more than one post because I think I like to ramble on and the review is just overwhelmingly long.. so here we go! :]

First off... the Sea Results Eye Mender Plus!Description (as on the website): "A rejuvenating contour cream that helps reduce under eye puffiness and wrinkles while helping prevent the formation of future fine lines."
Price: $36.00 Size: 0.5 oz or 15 mL
(which breaks down to $2.40 per mL!)
Where to get it: in H2O Plus stores duh! hehe ;] and on their website, ULTA has some of their products (but I don't know if this is one of them), and I believe Beauty 360 (CVS's mini beauty store?) is going to have it in the near future.

This product was my entire reason for even trying out the H2O Plus line. It was also the reason I ended up with the value set. I can get this one thing for $36... or I could spend $17 more and get 2 other products to play with!!!! <- That is how I think.

The first thing I did was research some information online about this eye cream - unfortunately H2O Plus is one of those brands where they have really good products, but not very many things online. (at least, I couldn't find a lot... even MUA only had 1 review for this product!) I did manage to run across Iyah's review on her blog, which I have to say totally convinced me to get it. You should go check it out if you're considering this product because her review is way more legit (and it has PICTURES HAHA! who doesn't love pictures?? unless you have sucky internet... then you don't.)

How it went
After purchasing this back in late March (this is my fourth week straight using the eye cream), I have used it (like a good girl!) every morning and night. I'm barely into my 20s, but the past few years of school (I'm in my second year of college... which does NOT HELP) have taken its toll on my sleeping habits and I more often than not, get only 4-5 hours a night. I used to be able to catch up on my sleep during the weekends, but these past few months have not been good to me. haha. Needless to say, my eyes have dark circles the size of a truck - no not really. They're average sized, and they're not dramatically dark. I just have that perpetual "Oh look I have smudged a lot of black eyeliner under my eye" and it looks yuckers. I also rubbed my eyes a lot as a kid (and through high school... and now... when I wake up. Bad habit.) I think I rub them too hard because I've developed these intensive wrinkles. They don't look too bad now since I'm young, but in a few years people will notice them (even though I've always had them) and talk about HOW OLD I LOOK. I fear it. D:

Anyway, I was kind of dumb and I didn't take any before pictures... so it wouldn't help to show you after pictures (because then you will see the major wrinkles I have and think the product doesn't work and I should go rot in hell...) so no pictures. Also, I know I'm going to sound repetitive with this eventually but... my camera sucks. If I try to take a picture of my eye, it will flash in my eye and then my skin will be so bright you can't even see anything... I've tried.

My thoughts
After a month, all my fine wrinkle lines have pretty much gone away (only the big wrinkles are there). It does a good job of puffing up my eyes, though I can't say that it does anything noticeable with my dark circles. I don't look like a murderous hag when I go to class anymore, so I have to say I really enjoy that fact about this product. I used it faithfully every morning and night (and sometimes three times a day because I'd shower in the afternoon and... yeah you know... moisturize it up!). I've barely made a tip into my product, woowoo. So I definitely feel that I'm going to get my money's worth out of this tub.

I have fairly sensitive skin (apparently... something I just discovered awhile back), and when I used this product my eyes would sting quite a bit. It wasn't unbearable, but it sure was hella unpleasant. I realized it was because the cream did not mix well with the cleanser I washed my face with. My skin didn't like having the rough cleanser on it and then this eye cream for some reason. Maybe I made that up - it might have just been my skin adjusting to the cream... though I did not hear of anyone else going through something like that.

When I use this product, I use my ring finger, dip it lightly into the tub, and then distribute the product evenly under and over both eyes. I then pat it in lightly and allow it to soak into my skin. It works well this way, though it does take my skin a bit of time (2-5 minutes) to completely absorb the product.

This is my first eye cream that I've used consistently. I thought I would just put that out there.

♥ felt good on my skin, very smooth and creamy
♥ smells good
♥ delivered on its promise - made my eyes less puffy and helped get rid of my finer wrinkles (and I think it is helping diminish the severity of my larger ones)
♥ it is going to last you quite some time
♥ made my eyes look more awake (and made me look like I wasn't half dead)

~ the price. You could buy a lot of stuff with $36.
~ the difficulty in purchasing the item - I had to drive 1 hour away from my home to get to the closest store. I hate buying products without at least seeing them in person first. This is HUGE dislike and one of the reasons it took me so long to get my hands on it.
~ sometimes underneath my eye I would get little flakes on the inside corner (I don't know whether to attribute it to this product or hasty application of my eye sunscreen, but just thought I would mention it)
~ make sure to test it out in the store or get your hands on a sample (however difficult it may be, to make sure your skin is OK with all the ingredients in this product)
~ when you get it in your eye (which might happen a few times), it makes your vision blurry for awhile :[ it does not sting like crazy but it is very annoying!

Score: 83%
Surprised at the score?? With the way I was praising it? haha! No! Don't be surprised! Honestly, I really like this product but it is my first eye cream. When I run out of this (in like.. 8 months haha) I might be in the market for trying some other eye creams. This is something good to at least try (at least... that is how I feel), but I don't want to commit myself before trying more eye creams. In the future, I might change this score after living life and getting my fill of more eye products to try. But for now, with my weird sensitive skin I am limited in the cleansers I use.

I like this product a lot, but I did not fall in love with it. I would not call it my HG eye cream. I would consider repurchasing this in the future if I do not find something I like better.

*Note: This is just a word of warning for a mistake that I made when I initially found the gift set. (The GIFT FOR ME haha jk I'm going to shut up with the irrelevant comments) You might be thinking, OH MY GOSH WHAT A GOOD DEAL! Three full-sized products for $53?? Your brain might explode... but no. The Deep Sleep Recovery Cream and Sea Results Line Mender are actually both 1.7 oz/50 mL normally. So consider how much you would like to try those two products before jumping the gun and buying this. I have heard nothing but nice things about their customer service, but why go through the hassle if you just think about it wisely beforehand?

The next parts will come soon... hopefully! Haha!

I hope you enjoyed this review! If there is anything you would like to know more about this product, just ask! I'd love input on what you want to see in future reviews. :]



  1. aw, I've gotta buy a new eyecream soon, mine is running out! >_< I guess I should pick one up during the sale? :X... but I've already placed my order?! :O Ooh well, guess there's always until Sunday/Monday night! XD whenever it ends... I wanna try this one though since you said it got rid of the baby fine lines :) I've got a lot of those from being irresponsible! Gah, I wish I never did that stuff now lol.. my poor eyes x( But anywho, pick something up from the sale! Its not too much of a discount if you buy something really small, but it'll save you some! I think this is as good as sephora sales are gonna be with the economy ya know?!

  2. I love your review!! yay!! I highly recommend this eyecream to everyone! ;) My mom has 3 jars of this eyecream - that's how addicted she is. hahaha! I only have two. lol :P
