Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm back!

Hi girls!

Finals are over and I just spent the weekend having fun with good friends and my family. I'm really excited for summer (I have SO MUCH FREE TIME right now it's just mind-blowing) and I can't wait to get some more blogs up :]

Unfortunately, I have a bit of bad news... I managed to crack my camera screen a few days ago and since it is a touch screen, it's like SUPER BAD NEWS! horrifying! So now, I can't change the settings on my camera at all. Blehh, it's forever stuck on NO FLASH. AH!! I will try my best to post as many pics as I can by using natural light though. It really bums me out because I got my camera just a little over a year ago.

Anyway, I hope all is well with you and I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's blogs! Ahaha!



  1. welcome back! i hope you can get your cam fixed someday
